Communicable Diseases Intelligence, Volume 25, Issue number 3 - August 2001

This page contains links to the articles published in Communicable Diseases Intelligence, Volume 25, Issue number 3 - August 2001

Page last updated: 20 September 2001

These publications were produced by the Australian Department of Health and Aged Care, now the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing

This journal is indexed by Index Medicus and Medline.

To search for an article by subject please refer to the CDI subject index 2001 (PDF version 65KB) (HTML version)

To search for an article by author please refer to the CDI author index 2001 (PDF version 30KB) (HTML version)

Table of Contents - Volume 25, Number 3 - September 2001

Complete issue - August 2001 (PDF file 862KB)

Editor: Angela Merianos
Editorial and Production Staff: Alison Milton, Paul Roche, Jenean Spencer

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